Yes I Can!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Everything in place...

Well, finally put each project in it's envelope, put in the fabric and the floss and sometimes beads, and then into binders..and it only took 2 hours! I also have a new list of a few things to pick up, but each one is ready for the start. Are you? I hope you will be following along with my projects and progress. If you are one of the Crazies let me know so that I can follow your progress too.


  1. How fun! I'm working on getting organized, too. My wish list of things to start keeps growing, though!!

  2. All I have left to do is get fabric and floss around for a couple of my projects. Everything else is already in its boxes.

  3. Wow, 15 new projects to finish! You are very brave. I have three projects (HAED designs) that I plan on working on for 2011 and I know they won't be finish by December 2011 - lol.

    Good luck - will definately be checking back.
    Chriz’ stitchy spot
