Yes I Can!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The sun is shining and I have an update on #13 and #3

If you were at my other blog you know there were some obstacles yesterday...but I did stitch. I decided to pick up Day 3, The Stitching Girl....
It looks like I have done very little, but in fact, I did a fair amount of stitching.Outline stitches are not much fun.....but I really wanted to do her.
I also stitched on my Bella....
I almost completed the right side hive area...that will be today. It is a delight to stitch. Making a Biscornu is something I really enjoy doing. The beads and buttons for this one are so pretty...there are ladybugs to stitch and butterflies too...just wait.
Well, guess I should move on to putting in a laundry, going to the store, and getting Mr H up for his doctor appointment. I hate the busy stuff, it interfers with my fun stuff.
thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful day....